Architettura - Ingegneria - Impianti
Via Casato di Sopra 80, 53100 Siena - Italy
Tel. e Fax: +39.0577.223091

443 - Progetto per la realizzazione di un Parco Scultoreo, Museo, Ristorante e servizi presso la città di Suzhou - Shanghai (Cina) - Collaborazione con il Maestro Pietro Cascella e altri

Year: 2007

Customer: Amministrazione Provinciale di Mudu

Place: Mudu - Shangai – Repubblica Popolare Cinese

Executer: Pietro Cascella, Mauro Berrettini, Cordelia Von den Stein, Tu Kuo Wei, Ing. Pietro Mele

The Communal Administration of Mudu (near Shangai – China) has ordered the planning of a Sculpture Park, located in the natural park of the ancient town of Suzhou. It was organised an international group of artists and planners. Following are the masters responsible for the artistic–architectural planning: Pietro Cascella, Mauro Berrettini, Cordelia Von den Stein, Tu Kuo Wei. Engineer Pietro Mele will take care of the strucutral engineering plan. The whole construction is complete with sculptural works (i.e. perimetral walls, entrance, and so on), external works (i.e. gardens, walkings and water flows) as well as infrastructures such as a museum, a restaurant and the parking areas.
