Architettura - Ingegneria - Impianti
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265 - Ponte Pedonale nella zona 'Arsenale' (Venezia) - Consorzio Venezia Nuova - Collaborazione con il Maestro Pietro Cascella

Year: 2000

Customer: Consorzio Venezia Nuova

Place: Venezia

Executer: Pietro Cascella, Ing. Pietro Mele

Upon order of Consorzio Venezia Nuova, master Pietro Cascella planned the construction of a pedestrian bridge in Venice in order to join the two opposite sides of the Arsenal. All the graphical, sculptural and technical drawings (these ones by Eng. Pietro Mele from Siena) were part of the exhibition that took place in Venice, S. Samuele Church on October – November 2000. There are three different plannings proposed and they differ for the geometrical shape instead of the materials (travertine). The symbolic meanings of the sculptural planning enrich the works underlining a typical artistic aspect of the bridge. The technical plans highlight the structural part made of reinforced concrete with deep foundations.
