Architettura - Ingegneria - Impianti
Via Casato di Sopra 80, 53100 Siena - Italy
Tel. e Fax: +39.0577.223091

453 - Realizzazione di un Villaggio di terapia ricreativa per bambini affetti da gravi malattie posto in loc. Limestre, S.Marcello (Pistoia) - Fondazione benefica ''The Hole in the Wall''

Year: 2006

Customer: Fondazione benefica ''The Hole in the Wall''

Place: Loc. Limestre, San Marcello Pistoiese (Pistoia)

Executer: Arch. Elio Di Franco, Ing. Pietro Mele

"The Hole in the Wall" Foundation born in the USA and whose chairman is Mr. Paul Newman at present, has many celebrities coming from the sport as well as cultural environments. Its mission is to realise residential therapy villages all over the world for terminally ill children of ages that go from seven up to fifteen. The first village in Italy is followed by Dynamo Camp onlus ( and is located within a company of about 1.000 hectares owned by I.A.L. (KME Group) on the mountains near Pistoia (Communes of S. Marcello Pistoiese, Piteglio and Pistoia). Architect Elio Di Franco from Florence is responsible for the architectural planning, while Pietro Mele is responsible for the structural engineering part of the plan. All the works concern the restoring of some existing builndings as well as new constructions: the lodgings (3 buildings for about 11.950 square metres), the “dining room” (5.810 square metres), all the accessory service rooms for the dining room and the nursery (5.005 square metres), the relaxing area with laboratories as well as computer rooms (1.775 square metres), a theatre (6.395 square metres) and the Gymn together with the indoor swimming pool (11.500 square metres). In addition there will be the restoring of the ancient part of the buildings to be destiend as exhibition centre, offices as well as lodgings (about 15.000 square metres).
