Architettura - Ingegneria - Impianti
Via Casato di Sopra 80, 53100 Siena - Italy
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156 - Progetto per la realizzazione di una Residenza Sanitaria per Anziani (RSA) posta in Monteroni d'Arbia - U.S.L 7 Siena

Year: 1996

Customer: A.U.S.L. n°7 di Siena

Place: Viale Kennedy, Monteroni d'Arbia (Siena)

Executer: Arch. Gianni Neri

Accomplishment of a building subdivided in three blocks connected. The supporting structure of each block is formed from chassis of reinforced concrete in developed work from pillars, sects and beams; the horizontal structures are constituted from attics in latero-cement and alone fullness in c.a. The buildings are been based on on superficial foundations constituted from beams backward conveniently controventate.